
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What does it mean to "Live Your Greatness"

One of the things I am most passionate about is helping others to "Live their Greatness"... But what does this mean, exactly? Put simply, it means living your purpose...the life you were designed to live.  Living your greatness is about  living up to your inherent potential.  It is living life without excuses and without regrets.  Sounds appealing right?  SO what is stopping you?  What stands between you and your greatness???  Time?  Money? Fear? These are just excuses. If you want to live your greatness, you must live your purpose.  So what's yours?

As it turns out, many of us are just not sure.  We can feel that we have more to offer.  We want to make a difference, but we can't seem to put our finger on what our unique contribution to humanity will be (and when we put it that way, it sounds a bit overwhelming.  It would be great to contribute to humanity, but you're barely getting by as it is, right?). We may or may not believe in the idea of  "life's purpose", but the concept applied to our own daily living seems so daunting.  "What is my purpose?  And if it is what I was put on earth to do, why can't I figure it out?"

Steve Pavlina has some great advice in his article "How to Discover Your Life's Purpose in About 20 Minutes". It'll tell you up front, that the title makes the process sound a bit simpler than it may be for you... but so what if it takes you an hour... or three!?!  Isn't it worth it to begin living a life of purpose?  Take the first step toward living your greatness and check the link below:


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