
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

When I Grow Up...

I have a six year old, a four year old, and a six month old.  The older two are often asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  I love their answers!  Quinn usually says that she wants to be a singer.  Brady wants to be a rock star... and work at Sea World.  I love their answers because they speak to my kids' passions.  They spend most of the evening putting on rock shows (Quinn sings while Brady drums), and reading about whales and other sea creatures. It seems natural to them that they would earn a living doing what they love to do most.

I wanted to be a mom.  I remember answering this way.  I also remember being prodded for more.  The adults who asked wanted me to answer with a profession.  Maybe that is why I struggled so much when I chose to be "just a mom," and while I still have trouble remembering that I am valuable, important and worthy in my Mom role. I also remember feeling completely let down by my higher education when I graduated college still not knowing what it was that I wanted to be.  I had been a 4.0 student my entire life, and there I was, an educated 22 year old without a clue about what to do next.  I wanted to earn a living doing what I loved to do most... but I wasn't really sure what that was anymore.  Ten years later, I rediscovered what I love and found my life's purpose.  I am here to inspire, uplift, and to help free others from their self-imposed prisons. 

What about you?  What did you want to be when you grew up?  Do you remember your childhood answer to that question?  And where are you now?  Does your current life mirror the one you imagined as a child?  Do you know what your life's purpose is? Are you earning a living doing what you love to do most?

I am offering a 5 week intensive for women in their twenties who are in search of their life's purpose.  If this is of interest to you, please email me at carrie@coach-carrie.com.  This will be an "in person" group offered in Thursday nights in Huntington Beach, CA. 

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